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مصادر الدعم الطلابي

أطلقت DCAN مجموعة متنوعة من الموارد لدعمك !

فيما يلي الخدمات التي نقدمها:

  • 1 على -1 استشارة المواعيد ،

  • دعم إكمال FAFSA 1-on-1

  • ورش عمل الاستعداد للكلية

  • أداة مطابقة الكلية

  • قائمة المنح الدراسية

  • رسالة إخبارية للطلاب

للأسئلة حول دعم الطلاب ، يرجى الاتصال


the College Fit Project (1) (3).png

Project Steps

The College “Fit” Project will have 3 steps: 

  1. What’s Important to Me: You will select your top 10 wants from the list that are most important to you when selecting your college pathway.

  2. College Match Tool: You will use the Detroit College Match website tool to identify a school list based on your academic credentials. 

  3. My Top Schools List: You will use the College Match List and identify the top 4 match, reach, and safety schools respectively (12 schools total) that have the support in place for the items identified as “Most Important to Me”. This requires some research into the school. If you are looking for a school with a certain major, you should visit the websites to make sure they have what you are looking for before adding them to your list. 





This project begins January 10, 2022 and ends May 1, 2022.


 Every two weeks, we will raffle off six $25 amazon gift card to students who submit their list!

The first 50 students to submit a video will automatically win a $50 amazon gift card! 

Hey Students!
Want to earn prizes while completing essential steps to be successful in your future? 

احصل على أخبار الطلاب عبر البريد الإلكتروني

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