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موارد دعم الشراكة

تريد DCAN التأكد من أن جميع شركائنا قادرون على الوصول إلى موارد الدعم للبقاء على اتصال معنا بشكل أفضل وتنفيذ برامجك بسهولة. سواء كنت شريكًا في المدرسة أو منظمة تخدم الشباب أو مؤسسة غير ربحية أو مؤسسة ما بعد الثانوية ، يمكنك الاتصال بالشبكة والوصول مباشرة إلى الموارد / الدعم وإرسال طلب الدعم أدناه.

إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة حول الموارد ، فاتصل بمدير البرنامج ، Ashley Lane على

YEAR 1: Partnerships & Infrastructure

DCAN will prioritize strengthening its internal structure and operations through staffing assessments, refining leadership team roles & composition, and formalizing new and existing partnerships.

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Laying a solid foundation, enhancing transparency and establishing accountability.


DCAN will prioritize strengthening its internal structure and operations to sustain the work planned for years two and three of the strategy. We will maximize this year or groundwork to identify past successes and listen to our students' experiences while expanding relationships with core community-based partners.

YEAR 2: Collecting Data & Engagement

Research & student voice must drive the recommendations DCAN publicizes, now and in the future. Relationships with existing data gathering organizations including the Detroit Chamber of Commerce will provide a consistent source of this. 

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Driving collective impact through collaborative processes and shared language.


We will seek to solidify relationships with existing data gathering organizations including the Institute for College Success, U of M Youth Policy Lab to establish and achieve our regional collective impact goals.

YEAR 3: Communications & Reporting

The culmination of years 1 and 2, DCAN's activities in year 3 will prioritize uplifting key findings and publishing actionable content to demystify college access for Detroit students and their village.

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Driving collective impact through collaborative processes and shared language.

We will seek to solidify relationships with existing data gathering organizations including the Institute for College Success, U of M Youth Policy Lab to establish and achieve our regional collective impact goals.


Help Us Achieve Our Goals


Review Our Strategic Plan


Make a Commitment


Spread the Word

ابق على اتصال عبر البريد الإلكتروني

احصل على آخر الأخبار والإعلانات ومعلومات الشراكة.

المزيد من الموارد

ابق على اطلاع ، سيكون لدينا المزيد من الموارد قريبًا!

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DCAN Impact Report


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